Large companies and small businesses alike have long recognized the financial necessity of having a robust on-the-job safety program in operation, with the result that employee injury rates on the job have been steadily decreasing throughout the U.S.
Today, employees are safer at work than they are at home -- and that continues to be an expensive problem for American businesses: off-the-job injuries and fatalities cost U.S. businesses more than $200 billion annually in lost productivity.
Costly off-the-job injuries continue to occur because businesses find it very difficult to obtain employee buy-in of off-the-job safety. Fortunately, even modest efforts to carry over ideals of workplace safety and health to employee's homes and communities results in reduced costs for businesses coupled with increased workforce satisfaction.
Tobi Kosanke, Ph.D., has used her long experience in teaching, lecturing and curriculum development to create audience-engaging presentations and training courses that are given at companies and businesses across the U.S. and in their international offices to help both managers and non-managerial employees recognize the value and positive benefits of off-the-job safety.
Dr. Kosanke's lively presentations and training courses on off-the-job safety are given at your location and will engage your employees and facilitate their acceptance of the extension of your company's on-the-job safety program to their lives at home and in their communities. She offers lectures tailored specifically to managers, non-managerial employees or your entire staff. The length and content of the presentation or course is determined by your company's specific needs.
Off-The-Job Safety Training